*SearchField options:
- Any (any text field, type: text)
- Name (type: text)
- Description (type: text)
- Created (type: unixdatetime)
- PublishTime (type: unixdatetime)
- StatusId (type: integer)
- KeyWord (type: text)
- FolderId (Search options(optional): IncludeSubfolders)
- Modified (type: unixdatetime)
- Extension (type: text)
- FileName (type: text)
- FileSize (type: integer)
- property field identifier (type: PropertyFieldType)]
*SearchOption options:
- General (Default valid search option for text type fields)
- Contains (Valid for text type fields)
- ContainsWords (Valid for text type fields)
- Exactly (Valid for all search fields. default search option for integer and unixdatetime type fields)
- StartsWith (Valid for text type fields)
- EndsWith (Valid for text type fields)
- Regex (Valid for text type fields)
- Regex uses Apache Lucene’s regular expression engine to parse queries.
- EMMi Regex does not support:
- Character classes: \d, \w, \s
- Flags (e.g. /g, /i)
- Anchor Operators: ^, $
- BetweenRange (Valid for integer type,unixdatetime type fields)
- SmallerThan (Valid for integer type,unixdatetime type fields)
- GreaterThan (Valid for integer type,unixdatetime type fields)
- IncludeSubfolders (Valid only for FolderId search)
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